Bipolar disorder :: two decades of untreated madness
Deb went through two decades of madness before she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This is her story.
Deb went through two decades of madness before she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This is her story.
Paul shares how meeting Glenn Gould in The Beaches of Toronto, and touch, gave him a new perspective on his manic depression.
Sean uses narrative therapy to understand that his life is multi-storied and he is more than a diagnosis.
P. Cervinus shares their perspective on a mental illness diagnosis; the peril of pathologization or the blind acceptance, and operating between the two poles.
Garrett Marshall couldn’t accept his diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder. When his attempts to escape almost killed him, he reached out for help.
Jeremy has struggled with medication resistant mental illness (self-harm, bipolar, schizophrenia, suicide ideation) his whole life. He gives us a glimpse into his life as he tries to survive feeling chronically empty.
Sara Kay was always called “moody” until she had a psychotic breakdown and she had to start figuring things out, bit by bit .