From Olympic athlete to bipolar patient, who am I really?

Picture of Amy playing Team HandballWritten by Amy Gamble

In 1988 I walked into Olympic Stadium in Seoul, Korea during the Opening Ceremonies. It was one of the most amazing experiences in my entire life. To become an Olympic Athlete was a dream come true.  I did not know then that eleven years later, I would find myself in the lowest point of my life waking up in a psychiatric hospital after experiencing a bipolar disorder episode!  I asked myself how could an Olympic Athlete end up with a stigmatized mental illness?


It Runs In the Family

Knowing there is a strong family history associated with bipolar disorder, I have often blamed myself for not knowing I was at risk for the illness.  Both my mother and one of my sisters were diagnosed with bipolar between 1984-1985.  The scientific community has yet to find the exact gene responsible for bipolar, but they are confident enough to say it can be hereditary—I couldn’t agree more.


First Signs of Bipolar Depression

The first time I remember a severe episode of bipolar depression was when I was in high school.  I was a First Team Parade Girl’s Basketball All-American (among the top 10 high school players in the U.S.) and was highly recruited by some of the biggest college Women’s Basketball Programs, including the University of Tennessee.  After my season ended, I made a commitment to attend Tennessee and join the basketball team.  I was thrilled I would be playing for legendary coach Pat Summitt. It was my dream come true.

But after all the basketball recruiters stopped calling, I began to have symptoms of depression: sleeping much longer than usual, losing interest in activities, isolating myself, not being able to concentrate and gaining weight.  I thought it was just because I was no longer receiving all the attention I had grown accustomed to, but looking back, I know it was a bipolar depression episode.

I managed to recover from the depression and headed off to Tennessee for my freshman year of college.  The pressure of playing Division I College Basketball led me to struggle my entire freshman year and my performance on the basketball court was far short of the expectations people had for me.  By the middle of my sophomore year, I found myself lying in my bed crying uncontrollably and having suicidal thoughts.  This led me to leave school and transfer back home to a college closer to my parents.

The depression lasted for several months. The same pattern emerged of sleeping long, isolating myself, overeating on sweet foods in an attempt to make myself feel better, not being able to play basketball, and really just trying to survive through my classes.  Then it seemed like when the season changed and the sun started to shine, I started to feel better. I am not sure if it was hypomania or a “normal” mood but it was during this time that I contacted the U.S. Team Handball Federation and asked them for a try-out.



One of the best things that ever happened to me was my association with the Team Handball Federation.  After training for three years and traveling around the world to play against competition, I found myself walking into the stadium for the 1988 Olympic Games.  It was an experience of a lifetime.  My moods seemed to have been somewhat stable during the time we were training for the Olympics.  I remember at times having more energy and at times having a difficult time getting out of bed, but none of the mood swings were debilitating.


The Crash

After the Olympics, I finished college at the University of Arizona, landed a job with a Fortune 500 company and successfully climbed the corporate ladder.  Until one day, my entire world crashed right in front of me.

I was taking a drug called Lupron for female problems and began to have sleepless nights.  I hadn’t taken the time to read the prescribing information for Lupron. If I had, I would have seen it says that it can cause “psychiatric disturbances.”  You should use it with caution on patients with a predisposition to mental illness.  I don’t know if Lupron was a primary cause of my first psychotic episode, but I do know it caused such horrible side effects that I could not sleep.  This lack of sleep triggered a major manic episode and eventual psychotic episode.  I was already in the hospital for some physical problems, when the drugs they were giving me pushed me over the edge.  I landed in a psychiatric facility and was given the diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

The hospital treated me for bipolar disorder but only kept me for six days.  It was not long enough to stabilize me from this major psychotic episode.  I felt confused, lost, disoriented, scared and completely devastated.  After years of watching my mother and sister struggle with bipolar disorder, the last thing I wanted to have was the same diagnosis.  “How could God let this happen to me?“ I thought.


Stigma Causes Denial

When I was discharged from the hospital, they gave me four prescriptions for medication.  I spent more time denying I had bipolar disorder than trying to understand what the medications were for and how they might help me.  I was overwhelmed with what I had gone through.  I think one of the most dangerous situations living with bipolar disorder is if you have a psychotic episode and lose touch with reality.  When you don’t know you are sick, you can’t monitor your behavior, thoughts, actions or reactions.  You are just lost in a world of confusion.  It’s the worst thing I have ever experienced.

After a whirlwind of landing myself in a second psychiatric ward in a week, the doctor who examined me told me I didn’t have bipolar disorder.  He said I was suffering with anxiety disorder and that the Lupron probably caused the psychosis.  He handed me a different handful of medications and sent me on my way.  His mis-diagnosis would cost me another trip to the hospital and a world of confusion would set in because I was given two different diagnoses in a month.

I have read that on the average, it takes 10 years to get an accurate diagnosis for bipolar disorder and people get misdiagnosed frequently.  When I told my story to a group of peers one man told me to “join the club.”


The Bipolar Journey

The long arduous bipolar journey would take me 13 years and 10 hospitalizations before I found the right regimen of medications.  Over those years I suffered a tremendous amount of loss, including losing many of my friends and eventually my job.  While I was out on disability leave during a major bipolar depressive episode, the company I worked for fired me.  This, of course, devastated me, but in the long run was probably better for my health.



As you can imagine, my experiences in the psychiatric hospitals were incredibly painful.  When you have a psychiatric patient encounter, you lose your confidence, self-esteem, and often, your dignity.  I remember looking at myself in the mirror and wondering where the Olympic Athlete went.  She was still there, but I had to find her.  I had to learn how to appreciate all aspects of myself—including accepting myself as someone who lives with a mental illness.  Bipolar disorder is not all of who I am, but learning to live with it has impacted who I have become.

I used much of my sports background to help me recover.  In sports you compete and when you set foot onto the field or the court you believe you are going to win.  I decided to take on bipolar disorder and I made up my mind it was not going to beat me!



I never dreamed in a million years that I would get diagnosed with a mental illness.  What I learned was mental illness does not discriminate.  It affects people of all socio-economic levels, with or without college degrees, and it even impacts Olympic Athletes.

If I could offer any suggestions to people who are newly diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I would say:

  • Don’t take the illness lightly! Don’t be afraid of the diagnosis, but know that if you don’t treat the illness it will get worse.
  • Secondly, there are many options for treating both mania and depression.  Work with your doctor to manage symptoms and strive for complete symptom resolution.
  • Third, many people have bipolar disorder and live healthy, happy and productive lives.  Recovery is possible!

Finally, never give up hope.  Hope is often the key to recovery.


Image credit: Newspaper image of Amy playing Team Handball


Amy Gamble

Amy Gamble is a small town girl who has always had big time dreams.  She followed those dreams all the way to the Olympic Games.  She is now the Executive Director of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) of Greater Wheeling.  She is a Certified Mental Health First Aid instructor and a mental health speaker.  Amy has over 18 years experience in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.  She has worked on Disease State Management Programs and worked as a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry authoring a Depression Training Manual for clients.  Amy has a M.A. in Organizational Management and a B.A. in Communication.

Amy’s mission in life is to help those who live mental illness and their family members find help and hope.  She strives to eliminate stigma by sharing openly her struggles and triumphs of living with bipolar disorder.

Amy has recently written a book called, “Bipolar Disorder, My Biggest Competitor:  An Olympian’s Journey with Mental Illness.”  Click here to order


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  • Jim Rose

    Hi Amy,

    I’m very glad to see that you are doing well. You have been given a lot to deal with, and it seems like you are in a good place.

    Also, just a note to let you know how much my daughter, Bethany Rose, benefitted from working with you in such a short period of time. She is still playing basketball,. and will be a sophmore at Wheeling Park this year.

    Take care,

    Jim Rose

    • Amy Gamble

      Hi Jim,

      Thank you so much for letting me know Bethany is doing so well. I’m glad to know she liked the basketball training. I have been through a lot, but I always managed to pick myself back up. I think I benefited a great deal from my sports background and a strong mother who refused to ever give up!

      So glad to hear from you. Tell Bethany hello!

  • Marie Abanga

    Dear Amy,

    Thanks for sharing. I have submitted a post to Trish and hopefully she would be publishing same soon. I am still un-diagnosed but have scheduled an appointment already. l am glad you had your mum’s support too.
    regards, Marie

  • Tiana

    This adequately describes the path my life took. From Division 1 basketball player to transfer to Division 2. College educated but can’t keep a job and now disabled. I’m thankful for this post and the awareness it brings, as well as to know I’m not alone in my journey. Great post!

    • Amy Gamble

      Hi Tiana,

      I am glad you found your way to this post. I am sorry you have had to struggle with mental illness. I know there are days when I have felt very cheated too, you just have to hang in there and create new dreams and goals for yourself. Thank you for your comment and know you are not alone!


  • KarenMaria

    Hi Amy,
    I was so inspired reading your story, you have accomplished much in your life! Another thing is we have 2 things in common, I was given lupron also, it was around 2000, I kept getting huge cysts on my ovaries from endometriosis….at that time, I know i felt extremely tired, but wow did not know of other side effects.
    And also during a bipolar episode I left my job, I was unable to work, and am currently on disability, I started to go online and found wonderful websites and read stories that made me feel less alone. Trish is awesome and I did a few guest blogs. I slowly am on my road to healing, it takes courage too share your story…yes life is definitely more challenging when having a mental disorder, but not of luck Amy!!

    • Amy Gamble

      Hi KarenMaria,

      Thank you so much for commenting. I am glad you were able to relate to my story and I appreciate the kind words about how you were inspired. It really makes sharing all worth it when you know it might have made a difference in one person’s life. Life is for sure not over when you struggle with mental illness…just takes a different kind of plan to make it. I wish you the best on your healing journey. The road does get easier in time.

      Kind Regards,

  • Greg Hamilton

    Hi Amy, glad to hear your doing well.Went to JM with you and remember trying to keep up with you on the Chambers YMCA court. Couldn’t be a better advocate for mental health.Hope the future finds you in continued good health. Take care.

  • Lynn Laing

    I am amazed with your journey. Would you ever consider speaking to my health classes at Warren High School outside Marietta Ohio? Lori Eckleberry Hartline shared your story. She said you and her sister we’re good friends. I can never get anyone to speak about mental health. I’ve been trying to figure a way to show “Angst”. Of course don’t have the$950.00 for screening but I thought it would help my students having panic attacks and anxiety.

  • Amy Gamble

    Hi Lynn,

    I’d be happy to speak to your students. You can email me at and we can work out the details.

  • Kylie Charnock

    I will definitely be purchasing your book. My partner is very athletic and has recently been diagnosed as having bipolar. He is so worried he will never be fit and healthy anymore. It’s just not true

  • Amy Gamble

    Hi Kylie,

    Yes!!! Recovery is possible and after getting on the right treatment plan and learning how to manage bipolar disorder the sky is the limit.

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