Bipolar; recognizing mood changes
Michael Rhodes shares in detail how his moods change and the devastating impact it can have on his life. He also shares how he has learned to cope with bipolar disorder by being able to detect mood swings early.
Recipes for disaster and survival featuring body dysmorphic disorder, anxiety and depression
Hannah shares her experience with BDD, anxiety and depression as she begins a new school year in a foreign country, not sure if she is mentally stable enough.
Bipolar; your mood may not be your own
Rachel Miller shares her experience of being diagnosed bipolar since 18 and how today she has found resolution in spiritual development and using energy work.
The borderline life; a poem
Julie Everson poetically describes her life with borderline personality disorder.
The D-word; an excerpt from The Bleaks
Paul Illidge shares part of his story from his memoir The Bleaks; a harrowing nightmare in which Paul’s life is plunged when a drug-squad raids his house and the mental health experiences that follows.