Me, Rob Ford and the stigma of mental illness
MHT editor David Templin explores his own stigma toward mental illness through the metaphorical mirror of self-reflection that reveals his reflection is Rob Ford. Includes a cartoon!
When panic attacks
Karen shares her life with frequent unexpected panic attacks and how she copes.
5 reasons electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is my family’s first choice for treating psychotic episodes
Ian shares his experience with using electroconvulsive therapy to bring his wife out of psychosis. He gives 5 reasons why it works so well vs medication.
Bringing light to my life after the anguish and despair of untreated mental illness
Madison shares living with bipolar and depression unknowingly and turning to alcohol to self-medicate. Hospitalization for alcoholism uncovered her mental illness.
How delusions can be an experience and not a symptom; Trish’s story of acceptance
MHT founder and editor Trish Hurtubise shares her belief we are just right & how this re-frames her recent experience with delusions to be a coping mechanism for fear vs a psychotic symptom. And there’s a cartoon.