How to calm your mind (even if you think you can’t)
MHT founder and editor Trish Hurtubise shares a cartoon and short how-to detail on how to meditate when you are challenged with mental health issues.
Mania and music: a video interview with Alec Morrison
In this video interview, Alec Morrison talks about his manias leading up to his various hospitalizations. Interwoven in his tales is how his musicianship helped him along the way.
How love trumps anxiety
MHT founder and editor Trish Hurtubise shares a cartoon with tips of how her experience with love melts her anxiety away.
How to get over an anxiety hangover
MHT editor David Templin writes about his experience with an “anxiety hangover”. He lists the signs to recognize one and what he does to “cure” it.
Just because I have disorders doesn’t mean I can’t have fun!
Brenda Nikkel writes about how she uses laughter has a coping skill in her experience with bipolar.