My bipolar journey… so far (part II)
A woman describes the episode that brought her to the realization she has Bipolar Disorder, and shares her wisdom about her illness in Part II of this 2 part series.
My bipolar journey… so far (part I)
A woman describes the episode that brought her and her mental health team to the realization that she has Bipolar Disorder in Part I of this 2 part series.
The Zen of anxiety part II: gently facing your fear
MHT founder and editor Trish Hurtubise describes how she uncovered the fears at the core of her anxiety and uses this knowledge to make a choice: continue resisting the fear or be herself. And there’s a cartoon!
The red journey :: we’re never going to survive unless we get a little bit crazy
Ane Axford highlights Jung’s The Red Book & how her own depression, once embraced, allowed her to integrate the darkness of her subconscious into her being.
My 16 year battle with self harm part II
Part II of a 2 part series: a woman who continues to self-harm without understanding why, only the need to relieve the pain and feel in control.